
Based in regional Victoria, Swanbuild have been building premium country-style modular homes in Victoria, south west NSW and SA since 1975.


Scooter began working with Swanbuild in 2019 as their primary marketing resource off the back of the business’ strong growth and the challenge they faced in finding a resource within Swan Hill. 


The Scooter team provided Swanbuild with a cost-effective marketing talent solution without the HR challenges of maintaining an in-house team.  

The scope of work saw Scooter take on the management of their marketing function including the development of annual strategic marketing plans, budget management, ideation, promotions, events, product development, customer workflows, digital advertising, content and management.

Swanbuild and Scooter have built a long-lasting relationship, establishing an integrated marketing team focused on business and sales goals. Together we have strengthened brand awareness, generated consistent and quality leads, created a successful targeted lead nurturing process, led new product and process development but most importantly played a big role in helping Swanbuild double their business. We have worked with all departments and stakeholders within the Swanbuild organization. From CEOs, the financial team, the sales team and production managers, Scooter have been instrumental in highlighting and promoting a multitude of different advances within their business – from new home launches to client-based promotions.  

Selected projects

Family Business Association
Kitchens U Build